Want to know how to start an LLC for real estate? Whether you’re looking to form investing partnerships or avoid being sued, creating an LLC is one way to protect your personal name and assets. With that said, there a...
What’s the right investing strategy for YOU? In this episode, we’re going to hear from an investor who has scaled their real estate portfolio to twenty rentals in just TWO years! Despite their rapid success, they feel...
Want to go full-time into real estate investing? In only a few short years, you’ll be able to make millions of dollars, own a mansion on the beach, and ride your gold-plated jet ski into the sunset without ever having...
It’s daunting to wake up every day and try your best at whatever it is that you do. Maybe it’s your job, maybe it’s real estate, maybe it’s writing a book. When you sit down at your desk, there’s that little voice tha...
Where’d all the cash flow go? More than ever, rental property owners are waking up to find less and less mailbox money coming in every month. This is doubly true for those who used low down payments to house hack and ...
Want to pay ZERO taxes next year? If you own real estate or are building a portfolio, there’s a good chance that you can legally keep your profits away from Uncle Sam. But you’ll need one thing before you can do so. O...
Terrified of running out of money in retirement? Countless people share the same fear. With so much recent discourse surrounding inflation and a looming recession, you may have a tighter grip on your money than usual....
The last time Ramit Sethi was on the show, tears were shed, money fears were exposed, and Mindy was forced to take a hard look at her financial habits. Now, Ramit is back, as we revisit some of the critical moments of...
Nasar El-Arabi is a self-proclaimed “failure” when it comes to being employed. He wasn’t cut out for the banking industry, the call center, or the classroom. Some people aren’t meant to be employed, and Nasar was one ...
Many new investors find excuses for why they can’t buy properties. Either they don’t have the money, the deals, or the experience. Our guest today, Jon Wooten, had none of these three, but found a way to acquire 18 un...