When Tarl Yarber last appeared on the show (#189), we got a behind-the-scenes look at his monster house flipping business.
He was doing a lot of volume, but here's the catch: he was stressed out and unhappy. Plus.....
If you know how to use your home equity, you can retire MUCH faster than most Americans. For the majority of homeowners, equity is just something to sit on, not something worth using. But what if you could convert you...
If you’re a first-time home buyer, now may be one of the best times to get a loan in recent history, according to mortgage advisor Jeff Welgan. With new no-money-down mortgages coming out specifically to help first-ti...
This assistant principal slowly and steadily used home equity to invest, helping him acquire seven properties in just over ten years. These properties have now seen sizable appreciation, and he has hundreds of thousan...
Some people are born into wealth, but none are born into success. Success needs to be earned, through pain, hard work, and perseverance.
Patrick Bet-David came to the United States during the Iranian Revolution of ...
When it comes to pulling the trigger on a rental property, what we have is a "paradox of choice." So. Many. Options. It's easy to suffer from Fear of Missing Out, and it's even easier to get overwhelmed by the vast ar...
Happy Thanksgiving! This Turkey Day, we're giving you an encore of one of our favorite episodes on the money hacks EVERYONE should know about! This was one of our top shows of last year and will teach you how to save ...
How many rental units does it take to achieve “financial freedom?” Maybe not as many as you think! That’s the topic on today’s episode, where Josh and Brandon sit down to talk with Eric Bowlin, a real estate investor ...
Should I pay off my rental property or reinvest? How do I replace my six-figure salary with cash flow from real estate investing? And what’s the best way to analyze crime BEFORE I invest in an area? You asked, and we’...
Financial freedom isn’t important until your life flashes before your eyes. When everything could end, thoughts of your partner, children, and family come to mind, and most notably, what you left behind for them. Pash...