Anything over 100 units tends to scare many investors, especially rookie investors. How do you even get to 100 units when it’s already challenging enough to get one? That answer is simple: stack them slowly over time....
Imagine living in a home where your next-door neighbors are your best friends or family members. We know you’ve thought about it before—starting a compound with all the people you love, everyone helps each other, watc...
Early retirement is possible for almost anyone, no matter where you start or how much you make. If you can sacrifice and save more than you spend, there’s a good chance you could retire years or even decades earlier t...
Want to buy your first investment property? You DON’T need twenty percent down sitting in your bank account. We know; everyone has told you that you need a massive down payment before you buy a property. But did you k...
Is your market worth buying in? With the economy on shaky footing, now ISN’T the time to guess. And once you find your investing area, how do you ensure your rental property will profit? Even in 2023, when cash flow i...
What does true wealth mean to you? Maybe it’s having control over your time or having the means to donate part of your income to charity. Maybe it means feeling healthy enough to jump out of bed and attack the day.In ...
Just six years ago, Corey Kent was a broke college graduate, renting out half of a room to save money, eating the same meal every day of the week. His dream was to make a living as a musician without selling out. Now,...
You can retire with rental properties faster than you think. That’s right, toss out the “wait until I’m sixty-five and HOPE I have enough” mentality. That might be okay for most Americans, but it’s NOT okay for YOU. Y...
Marriage and money are known for mixing like oil and water, but a little financial knowledge will allow you to navigate these sensitive issues with confidence. Today’s guest is an expert on this front and is here to e...
You want to retire, but you’ve got credit debt, auto loans, and student loans. It feels like every time you get your paycheck, it quickly slips away, and at the end of every month, you’re left in the same position, or...