How many rental properties would it take for you to become financially free? Five, ten, twenty, one hundred? And once you know how many you need, how long will it take you to get there? KC Massie reached financial ind...
Learning high-income skills can help you make money online—and a LOT of it! Just ask today’s guest, who worked not one but SEVEN internships to develop professional skills that would help her launch several successful...
What makes a “good” real estate deal in 2025 and beyond? How much of a return should your investment property be producing? Are real estate returns good enough in this tough housing market to beat out other performing...
Clay White has done the seemingly impossible. He’s bought five rental properties, completed multiple flips, and done it all in the past fifteen months with high mortgage rates. To make it more impressive, he did it WI...
What makes a “good” real estate deal in 2025 and beyond? How much of a return should your investment property be producing? Are real estate returns good enough in this tough housing market to beat out other performing...
Most people get turnkey real estate investing all wrong. They either think it’s a completely hands-off investment like stocks or that all turnkey real estate companies offer the same product. Both of these assumptions...
Are you beating the average American in personal finances? Today, we’re sharing the average net worth by age to see where exactly you stack up. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or fifties, we have t...
What’s it truly take to go from beginner to advanced in real estate? On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Steve Mills, who shares exactly how he was able to overcome a bad first deal, find me...
Billy Dha Kidd is better known for his rapping than his real estate skills, but both careers are worth celebrating. Billy’s early life was anything but comfortable — growing up in El Salvador, he was used to no runnin...
Tommy Christy has bought more homes than most investors you know combined. While he didn’t have to put up his own money to close on the deals, he did go through the process of lead generating, offering, auctioning, an...