Keleisha Carter built a $5K/month passive income stream as a new immigrant with NO green card, money, or ability to get a mortgage. After realizing that her corporate job in Jamaica wouldn’t lead her to where she want...
Want to know how to buy your first rental property? You’ve come to the right place! It’s no secret that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom, yet only a few ever take action. T...
Is paying off debt or investing (and potentially using more debt) the best way to reach FIRE? The average American has $104,215 in mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and other debt. Where do YOU stand? If the end...
The housing market is an evolving beast that almost no one can accurately map. With so many investors on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to housing market crashes and corrections, it’s nice to hear the thoug...
No one knows where the real estate market is headed next... but with an estimated 30 million Americans out of work, wouldn't you like to know how to buy foreclosed properties, step-by-step?
That's what you'll learn...
It’s rare to find someone with the experience, knowledge, and downright friendliness of Ken McElroy, which is why we’re having him back on the show! This time, Ken breaks down some of the fundamental truths of real es...
Some simple DIY investing hacks could save you thousands of dollars. But, as a rookie, the thought of tackling your own home renovation projects might be a little intimidating. Bringing sweat equity to a deal, however...
For the past year, commercial real estate has been the disappointing big brother of rental properties. As housing prices went up, commercial real estate prices went down. When primary mortgage rates were high, commerc...
If you want to grow your real estate portfolio faster, make more money with less headache, and achieve whatever financial dreams you desire, you need one thing—a real estate team. Most people don’t realize that the to...
Todd retired early at age forty-four, just three years after discovering the FIRE movement. The most interesting part? He quit without reaching his FIRE number. That’s right. After realizing he couldn’t go one more da...