Want to be a millionaire? We sat down with Codie Sanchez, Alex and Leila Hormozi, Mikey Taylor, Cody Davis, Christian Osgood, and other multimillionaires and distilled their most critical investing, business, and entr...
Simply put - this podcast could change your financial life.
You see, a banker can be your best friend or your worst enemy when trying to invest in real estate, as a great loan can mean the difference between long t...
There are plenty of opinions out there about where the real estate market is headed next. But what are the numbers telling us?
Today we dig into the data with Dave Meyer, BiggerPockets' VP of Growth and Analytics a...
If you want to make money online in 2024, good news: it’s easier than ever! Just ask today’s guest, who had to bootstrap his online business before you could launch a business with little to no startup costs. If you h...
Can’t invest in your own backyard? Out-of-state investing is the way to go! With it, you can invest nationwide, finding more cash flow or appreciation potential than you would in your local area. But managing a rental...
Should I pay off my rentals or scale to more doors? Should I start flipping houses in my local but expensive market or go long-distance? When is the time to move from residential to commercial real estate? We’ve got s...
The next Fed meeting is crucial for real estate investors and the economy. So, what will the Fed do? Are we getting the 0.25% rate cut that many experts predict, or will a 0.50% rate cut come due to further weakening ...
Cash flow is hard to come by in this market. Just a few years ago, it was easy to find rental properties that met the one-percent rule, but today, you need to get creative if cash flow is your main goal. Is buying mor...
From panicked newbie with just $1,000 saved to 40 rental units—in two years’ time!
On today’s show, we sit down with Henry Washington, a buy and hold investor from Arkansas who’s built a sizable portfolio while wor...
If you listen to this episode, you’ll be able to buy a rental property in the next ninety days. That means by the end of 2023, you could have passive income flowing in and equity building on your behalf. But how do yo...