If you make the right money moves, financial freedom is only a few years away. You can’t spend your entire paycheck on travel, trips, high rent, or entertainment if you want to retire early and have true time freedom....
Building a real estate business can be one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom. The problem for most, however, is money: There simply isn’t enough in your hands to get all the deals you want. That’s why toda...
As a new investor, a strong real estate team is crucial to your success—especially when you’re looking to land your first deal, complete your first rehab project, or invest out-of-state. In today’s episode, we’ll show...
Everyone wants to know how to get rich. And here’s the truth: getting rich might be much easier than you think. While most people would assume the wealthy grind their way to success, this isn’t always the case. In fac...
Most people get turnkey real estate investing all wrong. They either think it’s a completely hands-off investment like stocks or that all turnkey real estate companies offer the same product. Both of these assumptions...
Real estate investing can feel complicated, even when you’re doing well. There’s usually a time when every investor hits an invisible wall and moving on to the next deal, partnership, or business can feel like a slog....
Almost overnight, multifamily investing went from red-hot to something not even the most experienced investors would touch. After interest rates went up, rent growth stalled, and apartment supply flooded the market, t...
Let’s say you’ve got $40,000 to invest. You could split the money into two down payments and buy more properties or partner with someone with money and build a bigger real estate portfolio. But even though you CAN do ...
The gender investing gap is real, but it’s not due to women lacking capital. More often than not, women are saving their money rather than investing in real estate and allowing it to grow. As successful women in real ...
Welcome to the 2025 housing market! It’s a new year, and if you’re ready to invest more, get closer to financial independence, or finally find and buy your first home, we’re here to help.
We’ve got BIG plans for 20...