Should you pay off debt or invest? Many online financial gurus would tell you in a heartbeat that paying off debt is the number one priority…but is that always true? What if there was a way to pay off debt WHILE inves...
During childhood, Jim Kwik experienced a traumatic brain injury. As a result, he lacked focus in school, wasn’t able to read properly, and at one point, a teacher told him that he had a “broken brain”. So how did a ki...
When is enough enough? When is it time to STOP investing in real estate? When you have a hundred units or a thousand? When can you step back and let the hard work and grind pay off so you can spend more time with your...
What does true wealth mean to you? Maybe it’s having control over your time or having the means to donate part of your income to charity. Maybe it means feeling healthy enough to jump out of bed and attack the day.In ...
Jason Lee owns more rental properties than most full-time real estate investors. But, he didn’t do this by investing after the last housing crash, inheriting millions from his parents, or buying a hundred-unit apartme...
Kevin Paffrath, AKA “Meet Kevin,” one of YouTube’s most famous financial influencers and real estate investors, joins us for this week’s Seeing Greene to answer YOUR real estate investing questions. But this time, you...
Struggling to pick what to invest in, especially when real estate prices and mortgage rates are still so high? Many investors are sitting on the sidelines, saving cash for their first or next investment property, but ...
Why do so many in early retirement struggle with happiness? We know you’ve told yourself, “Once I hit FIRE, I’ll be living the dream! Every day will be like a vacation.” This is what Mindy was telling herself for year...
“Should I sell my rental property in 2023?” If you own investment property, you’ve probably asked yourself this numerous times over the past ten months. Prices are high, inventory is low, and your appreciated property...
Got just enough savings to buy a rental property? Before you pull the trigger, you’ll want to hear today’s episode because you could be making a big mistake. Speaking of buying, are future rate cuts going to push mort...