Many people feel that because their local market isn’t great for rental property cash flow, they can’t invest. Don’t tell that to today’s guest, who for the past decade has been doing just that—even while working full...
Today we’re swerving a bit from tradition to bring you a guest who is not a real estate investor. Jeff Thorman spent years as a general contractor, built his own company, then started his own YouTube channel, HomeReno...
When learning how to invest in real estate successfully, most people struggle finding four things: mentors, contractors, deals, and funding. That’s why today we’re excited to bring back Matt and Liz Faircloth onto The...
Every landlord has some wild tenant stories. We’re sharing the ones you probably won’t believe in this episode. And we’re not just talking about a bad eviction or an upstairs neighbor blasting loud music. Instead, we’...
Commercial real estate like you’ve never heard it before! On today’s episode, Brandon and David sit down with Ken Wimberly, the owner of a Keller Williams commercial brokerage and a commercial investor himself.
Are you happy with the current state of your real estate business? If you’re like most people, the answer is no. On today’s show, we interview property management superstar Jesse McCue and dig deep into how he’s becam...
Wealth is not an accident, it’s a choice. And on today’s powerful episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll learn exactly how to make that choice each and every day. We’re excited to bring back two return guests, H...
Analyzing Airbnbs is tough, especially for a new investor. Which properties make the best vacation rentals? Which amenities should you prioritize? Do you need an exit strategy if things go south? Stay tuned as we show...
“How to invest in real estate?” is a commonly searched-for term across the internet. With home prices continuing to climb and inventory staying low, more people want to know how it’s possible to buy real estate in tur...
Interested in learning techniques that will virtually guarantee you success, regardless of your field of interest? Of course you are!
On that front, today’s show will not disappoint! Brandon and David interview bes...