Your rental property is at risk. Maybe not now, but in the near future, you could face property damage, the need to rebuild, or an angry tenant/guest filing a lawsuit against you. What do you do? Don’t get too sweaty;...
Want to pay less money to the IRS in 2024? We’ve got the real estate tax strategies to help you do just that. And get this—you don’t need a large real estate portfolio to benefit from these money-saving tax tips!
What if you could make six figures on your first real estate deal? “Yeah, right! Where am I going to find a property like that?” you say. What if we told you that instead of finding a home-run rental property, you cou...
Can you really be a one-income family in 2024? Not if you don’t know how to budget! To achieve her money goals while living on a single middle-class income, Emy knew she had to take control of her finances and seize a...
Knowing how to get a mortgage is a crucial step in your journey to buy a rental property. Of course, the money side of things can be intimidating. How do you find a lender? What type of mortgage do you need? When shou...
How hard is it to buy a rental property in 2024? With all the buzz around high interest rates and soaring home prices, you’d think that investing in today’s market is a lost cause. But if a nineteen-year-old can take ...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
Want to quit your job with real estate investing? Rookie investor Miller McSwain has a strategy anyone can copy to make serious cash flow. This investing strategy is rookie-friendly and allows you to learn the real es...
Cash flow is hard to find in 2024, but these real estate markets have plenty of it. Since so many previously “cash-flowing” markets have seen rising prices, higher expenses, and limited housing inventory, we went back...
The last time Ramit Sethi was on the show, tears were shed, money fears were exposed, and Mindy was forced to take a hard look at her financial habits. Now, Ramit is back, as we revisit some of the critical moments of...