Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Reaching financial independence and becoming a millionaire before the age of thirty?! While this path requires several years of ruthless saving, smart investing, and unwavering discipline, there’s no reason why YOU ca...
Pay off your mortgage or invest? If you’re on the path to FIRE, you’ve probably asked yourself this question. Without a mortgage payment, you could put thousands more in your pocket every month, and your FIRE number w...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...
For years, we’ve been told that lower mortgage rates could reignite homebuyer demand and help improve affordability so first-time homebuyers (or even rookie landlords) can finally buy their first property. But, with m...
Should you sell your house or keep it as a rental property in 2024? What you do with your home today could create a million-dollar swing in your portfolio ten, twenty, or thirty years from now. Fortunately, we’ve deve...
“Lake Effect” cash flow is starting to make landlords rich in this under-the-radar region of the United States. For the past few decades, mainstream real estate investing platforms have almost forgotten this region, a...
Got a late start on your retirement planning? Do you feel like you missed the boat and won’t be able to retire on your timeline? We’ve got good news for you in today’s episode—it’s never too late for retirement (and e...
Calling all couples! You and your partner may be on the same page financially or off in two different directions; regardless of where you’re at, it’s a great time to start having money dates!
In this episode, Mindy...
Retirement is always some far-off goal. When you’re older and much more wealthy, you can live the golden years of your life without a care in the world. The problem? None of us know how much time we have left, how hea...