Want to know how to avoid capital gains on your next home sale? If you tune in, you may dodge a quarter-of-a-million-dollar bullet (or more!). What about investing in one of the most tax-advantaged accounts that almos...
Your real estate partnership may be closer than you think. Maybe it’s that seller you’re talking to on craigslist, maybe it’s your home appraiser, or maybe it’s someone you meet at a sketchy real estate investing comp...
Simply put - this podcast could change your financial life.
You see, a banker can be your best friend or your worst enemy when trying to invest in real estate, as a great loan can mean the difference between long t...
Finding and funding real estate deals are the two biggest obstacles new investors face today. Are these skills preventing you from building your portfolio? You’re in luck. Today’s expert will show you how to find, ana...
Small multifamily investing might seem scary to a new investor, but what if we told you these properties are less risky than single-family homes and even easier to buy in many cases? In this episode, we’ll bust the mo...
What does it take to achieve financial independence? Thousands of deals and a 100+ hour work-week hustle? Not according to today’s guest! Today we bring you an incredible interview with Sarah Pritchett who just one ye...
Profitable on-market properties are all around you, you just need to take the time to look. Oh, we hear what you’re saying, “all those on-market properties are bad deals!” While not all properties sitting on the MLS a...
Completing ten real estate deals in only eighteen months might seem ambitious for a rookie investor, but today’s guest had no choice after experiencing a MAJOR loss of income.
In this episode of the Real Estate Roo...
Vivian Tu, AKA “Your Rich BFF,” is the internet’s expert on money and personal finance. She was doing schoolyard trades before she worked on Wall Street, and now, as the host of Networth and Chill, she talks about the...
These personal finance apps, tools, products, and habits helped us reach financial independence, and they can do the same for you. If you’re on the road to FIRE or have finally made it to financial freedom, ANY of the...