Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Everyone knows it’s tough to find deals in today’s real estate market -- but somehow our guest today, Tom Krol, didn’t get that memo! In his first 18 months, Tom closed over one hundred wholesale deals and has continu...
We interview a lot of great guests on our Sunday episodes of the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast, but we rarely hear from agents, investors, and BiggerPockets listeners who are in an early stage of real estate succe...
It’s the episode you’ve been waiting for: Grant Cardone is BACK on the BiggerPockets Podcast! Last time Grant was on the show he owned $350 million in real estate. Now, with over $600 million, he’s just warming up! Fr...
Adversity tends to breed ingenuity and genius. More often than not, smart and capable individuals will find a way to use their hardships as fuel to build something better. This is exactly what house flipping, wholesal...
Last time we did a live Q&A, fans from all over came on to ask questions to Brandon and David. Now we’re back, answering the questions that BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast fans have on their minds. We’ll go over a h...
We got to talk a WHOLE lot of real estate in 2023. With topics ranging from partnerships to home renovation hacks, we covered a ton of ground this year and hope the information helped YOU on your real estate investing...
You want to start real estate investing, but where should you start? Should you buy a course, join a mastermind, or do your own research? There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to investing, but we can point you in the...
There is only one man on the podcast today that has a beard, and no, it’s not the guitar-playing, surfing, 7-foot tall one. David Greene is “seeing Greene” in this episode and gives new and experienced investors advic...
Get to know enough CPAs, and you'll hear the "light bulb" story.
"I was helping this real estate investor with her taxes... and thought, 'Why am I not doing this?!'"
Yes, there are POWERFUL tax breaks available ...