Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Real estate “boomtowns” present a massive opportunity to investors in 2024. A few years ago, buyers were fighting tooth and nail to purchase properties in Austin, Boise, Phoenix, and other red-hot markets. Demand was ...
You, BiggerPockets listener, may have more in common with Matthew McConaughey than first realized...
Changing careers. Wondering how family life fits in with a hard-driving work ethic. Embracing spontaneity, but le...
“How to invest in real estate?” is a commonly searched-for term across the internet. With home prices continuing to climb and inventory staying low, more people want to know how it’s possible to buy real estate in tur...
If you’re new to personal finance, investment accounts can seem complicated. The terms, the lingo—HSA, Roth, IRA, 401(k)—these may seem like letters in an arbitrary order, but using these retirement and investment acc...
Real estate flipper, broker, contractor, and more!
Today’s guest, Jared Holland, is doing 30 deals a year and profiting from all different phases of a flip-and he shares exactly how he does it! Today’s show gets in...
We interview a lot of great guests on our Sunday episodes of the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast, but we rarely hear from agents, investors, and BiggerPockets listeners who are in an early stage of real estate succe...
When most investors hear the words “mobile home park,” they turn and run the other way. But not today’s guest, who’s found incredible success buying (and repositioning) mobile home parks. You’ll learn how Kevin Bupp g...
Today we have the man Brandon credits with helping him "go big" in business and life: his performance coach, Jason Drees. In fact, Jason works with a bunch of real estate investors... and today he shares tool...
So many BiggerPockets listeners are out there killing it in the world of real estate investing. But, with growth and positive change comes more and more questions. On today’s coaching call, David Greene talks to Carly...