We’ve known for a long time that humans aren’t great at multitasking. Once distracted, our brains find it hard to let go of the new information we’ve just learnt or seen. This is why the constant onslaught of emails, ...
Retiring via passive income is why most people get into real estate, but rarely does someone accomplish that goal within just two years! Rachel Richards, real estate investor, agent, and author of Money Honey shares h...
Want to build a real estate business? When done right, a real estate business could make you hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars a year, even with a small team. You’ll be able to do dozens more deals, s...
Why are rock stars turning to real estate side hustles to pay their bills? During the lockdowns, many musicians, gig workers, and creatives saw their income streams dwindle. There were no shows to play, no tours to at...
Starting your first or next business? This episode is for you. Today, we’re bringing you everything you need to know about small business taxes for beginners. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, partner, landlord, hou...
If you get your property management wrong, you could lose tens of thousands of dollars. A sketchy property manager could take all your rent and run, leaving you with the bills and no hope of recovering your long-lost ...
If you get your property management wrong, you could lose tens of thousands of dollars. A sketchy property manager could take all your rent and run, leaving you with the bills and no hope of recovering your long-lost ...
Pet insurance probably isn’t a top priority for you right now. Your budget might have health, car, and home insurance, but pet insurance? Is it really worth the cost? Today we talk to David, an engineer and part-time ...
Anything over 100 units tends to scare many investors, especially rookie investors. How do you even get to 100 units when it’s already challenging enough to get one? That answer is simple: stack them slowly over time....
[NOTE: Since this episode was recorded, some events have changed. We have updated the intro to the episode and the lead-in to our conversation with Jeff Watson to reflect those developments]
Inflation is big, scary...