Love traveling? Want to make more money? Looking for real estate with lower price points and higher returns? International real estate investments may be for you. Whether you want to own a home near the mountains of M...
Are you beating the average American in personal finances? Today, we’re sharing the average net worth by age to see where exactly you stack up. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or fifties, we have t...
If you make the right money moves, financial freedom is only a few years away. You can’t spend your entire paycheck on travel, trips, high rent, or entertainment if you want to retire early and have true time freedom....
Should you pay off student loans or invest in real estate? This is the question Tom Keating had to ask himself back in 2018. At the time, he had no real estate investing experience and only picked up The Book on Renta...
What if you could not only replace but make MUCH more than your W2 salary with real estate investing? Now, imagine you could do it all in just two years. Sounds impossible, right? Today’s guest did precisely that, wit...
Billy Dha Kidd is better known for his rapping than his real estate skills, but both careers are worth celebrating. Billy’s early life was anything but comfortable — growing up in El Salvador, he was used to no runnin...
Many of us have a story behind doing what we do. You may have been raised by parents living paycheck to paycheck, spurring you to chase financial freedom and create a better life. Or maybe you labored tirelessly at wo...
It’s understandable why so many real estate investors don’t want to partner up. I mean, who wants to split half of a rent check with someone else? This can seem especially true when you’re just starting and every cent...
Everybody is busy. We have jobs, kids, businesses, and responsibilities to take care of. Why go out of your way and risk your money and time to invest in real estate? Mike Webb, firefighter, investor, flipper, and who...
From panicked newbie with just $1,000 saved to 40 rental units—in two years’ time!
On today’s show, we sit down with Henry Washington, a buy and hold investor from Arkansas who’s built a sizable portfolio while wor...