For some people, real estate investing is “too risky.” But what if a small, cash-flowing portfolio could provide financial stability when you lose your job? If you asked today’s guests, they might say it’s too risky N...
You know real estate investing is a great way to build wealth, but maybe you fear you don’t have the resources to start. Well, there’s a way to create cash flow without money OR rentals—rental arbitrage! This low-risk...
Many people buy rental properties for the cash flow, but today’s guest took it to another level—dropping out of college to go all-in on real estate investing. Find out how he brings in several thousand dollars of prof...
Want to build your rental portfolio FAST? Today, we’re teaching you how to buy multiple rental properties per year, the best tips to raise rents while keeping tenant turnover low, and what to know before you start buy...
One of the most repeatable, scalable ways to build a real estate portfolio is using “The Stack” method. This investing strategy allows you to slowly scale your real estate using low-money-down loans, turning one down ...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
With her retirement dreams on the line, Jill Forsythe had a few choices: return to work, start a business, or get into real estate investing. After trying out more “active income” business ideas and realizing she didn...
$50,000 cash flow from ONE rental!? Not many properties will give you this kind of return in today’s housing market, but this investor beat his competition to an innovative investing strategy, and it’s paying huge div...
If you listen to this episode, you’ll be able to buy a rental property in the next ninety days. That means by the end of 2023, you could have passive income flowing in and equity building on your behalf. But how do yo...
What does it take to achieve financial independence? Thousands of deals and a 100+ hour work-week hustle? Not according to today’s guest! Today we bring you an incredible interview with Sarah Pritchett who just one ye...