Today's a special episode featuring the author of a book we can't get enough of: Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen by the man, the myth, the legend - Steve Sims.
Who is Steve, anyway? Well, he's a former...
Financial trauma is an extremely common roadblock on the journey to financial freedom. In fact, most people deal with this issue on some level, even if they aren’t aware of it. Whether your trauma patterns stem from y...
If you’re looking to build wealth through real estate or start your own business, there’s one crucial skill you may be overlooking—learning! The faster you can learn, the faster you can earn. So, how do you optimize y...
Everyone tells you you’ll need millions to retire, let alone retire early. You hear it all over mainstream financial media, “You need FIVE million dollars” or “Three million dollars is enough, but you have to be fruga...
The US economy has survived the past few years surprisingly well. But there's one huge threat on the horizon no one is watching. With layoffs and bankruptcies already starting to tick up, a new wave of misfortune coul...
Most people pursuing financial independence own businesses or have stable jobs, working as hard as they can to make any extra dollar, throwing their money into the stock market or real estate, and betting on the econo...
What sets apart the wealthy from the wannabes when investing? Knowing how to find real estate deals! You’ll be ahead of ninety-nine percent of investors if you know how to find off-market real estate deals and discoun...
The road to financial independence isn’t always linear, but stoicism might be the secret ingredient that keeps you on track. This ancient philosophy gets a bad rap, but with its framework as your financial “operating ...
You can take your time to reach financial independence, but why wait? With a combination of hard work, savvy investing, and additional income streams, today’s guest reached FI by the age of twenty-eight. In this episo...
Is now finally the time to get back into Airbnb investing? We all knew about the Airbnb bubble that formed shortly after lockdowns. With low interest rates and local vacationing exploding, everyone wanted to cash in o...