You want to invest in real estate, but you lack the cash or the income. With home prices and mortgage rates so high, even a decent-paying job won’t land you a rental property or even a primary residence. So, what do y...
Are you a late starter who wants to reach retirement (or early retirement)? Then we’ve got just what you need! We’re back with Bill Yount and Jackie Cummings Koski from the Catching Up to FI podcast as we share how to...
Your real estate cash flow is suffering. Rent growth is slowing, mortgage rates are rising, and property prices are staying put. So where can you find more room to profit with your rental property? The answer is mediu...
Want to build a million-dollar real estate portfolio? We’ve got good news for you! You DON’T have to rush full-steam ahead, buying every property that crosses your path to reach financial freedom. That’s right, instea...
Going from house poor to earning HUGE cash flow and building a real estate empire? The journey to wealth through real estate was no walk in the park for today’s special guest. After figuring out that someone else woul...
There’s one way to invest in real estate that’s cheaper, easier, and more efficient than almost any other strategy. It allows you to get the best mortgage rates with the lowest down payments and buy properties in the ...
Which will make you richer: real estate vs. stocks? We brought the fine folks from The Motley Fool on the podcast to get into a serious debate over which asset makes you more money, which is easier to invest in, and w...
Want to make money in real estate investing, EVEN during 2024’s harsh housing market? It’s easier than you might think—and we’ve got the proof. We brought expert investors Ashley Kehr and Henry Washington on to the sh...
Don’t know where to find undervalued rental properties? Thankfully, we’ve got some experts who do. Finding a below-market-value property is much easier than most people think. So, why is it SO difficult for new real e...
Everyone wants to know how to get rich. And here’s the truth: getting rich might be much easier than you think. While most people would assume the wealthy grind their way to success, this isn’t always the case. In fac...