What makes a good real estate market? A stable or growing population, large employers nearby, tourism, and, as a bonus, college-educated residents. Put those all together, and you’ve just stumbled upon your next great...
Do you want to buy a rental property in 2025 but fear money could get in the way? Putting 15%-20% down is a huge hurdle for new investors, but there are several strategies you can use to limit your expenses, grow your...
Are you building wealth but feel like you can never enjoy it? Do you struggle with money, fearing you carry the same poor financial habits as your parents? Whether you’ve got a lot of money or a little, many of us fac...
Three years ago, Atomic Habits was released. In this groundbreaking book, author James Clear asks a complex question “why do we continue our bad habits while neglecting good habits?” While it’s not as easy as simply s...
You want to retire, but you’ve got credit debt, auto loans, and student loans. It feels like every time you get your paycheck, it quickly slips away, and at the end of every month, you’re left in the same position, or...
Want to know how to invest in real estate with NO money down? Or, maybe you’ve got a bit of cash in the bank and think now is the time to get into the real estate investing game. No matter where you’re at or how much ...
Looking to be a better investor in 2024? A few simple adjustments could help your money work much harder for you this year, and our hosts are here to lend a hand!
In part three of our four-part money tips series to...
Are you a new or aspiring real estate investor who hasn’t locked down your first deal? Or maybe you haven’t hit your personal goal or unit count yet. If so, you may need to tweak your mindset to reach new heights.
We’re about to share the secrets NO seller wants you to know about. These secrets could save you tens of thousands of dollars on your next home purchase, and most buyers have no clue about them. In fact, these secrets...
Want to reach financial freedom faster? The BRRRR method is how you do it. Seriously—the BRRRR strategy is almost too good to be true, which is why so many real estate investors use it as the stepping stone to start b...