Fat FI and generational wealth in THREE years?! How is that possible? The sooner you forge good money habits, the sooner YOU can achieve your FI goal. Today’s guest wanted to build wealth as soon as possible, and in t...
Want to work less, make more, and do it all by spending as little as five dollars per hour? Great! You’ll need to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate investing. Doing so can free up hours (or even day...
So you want to start investing in real estate but have ZERO experience. What should you do? The good news is that even if you don’t know how to invest in real estate, you can get started relatively quickly, especially...
As an investor, it’s easy to become fixated on cash flow, much like today’s guest at the start of his real estate journey. After realizing he was “house poor” with a mortgage payment larger than he could afford, Eric ...
If you’re a first-time home buyer, now may be one of the best times to get a loan in recent history, according to mortgage advisor Jeff Welgan. With new no-money-down mortgages coming out specifically to help first-ti...
This assistant principal slowly and steadily used home equity to invest, helping him acquire seven properties in just over ten years. These properties have now seen sizable appreciation, and he has hundreds of thousan...
The wealthy are using one unique retirement account to build their fortunes tax-free. You may have never heard of it, but knowing about it can change the course of your retirement planning, allowing you to invest in m...
Mortgage rates were supposed to be going down by now, but what happened? Even in late 2023, many housing market experts predicted that we’d be seeing high to mid six percent mortgage rates at this point and hovering a...