Want to know how to buy your first rental property? You’ve come to the right place! It’s no secret that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom, yet only a few ever take action. T...
Can you still make huge profits from real estate in today’s market? While high interest rates and inflated home prices can make it difficult to find a cash-flowing rental property, there’s another strategy that delive...
What if, within ten years, you could reach financial freedom? Imagine it. You may have a high-stress job where you’re working long hours and making good money but feeling burnout creeping in. You NEED an exit strategy...
If you don’t want to make money in real estate, skip this episode. If you hate the idea of having hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in equity and six-figure passive cash flow in the not-so-far future, ignor...
Rental properties and early retirement go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you want to leave your nine-to-five behind, make six figures, and have ultimate time freedom, real estate investing may be your best ...
Hearing Bryce Stewart’s story may sound familiar to long-time BiggerPockets Podcast listeners. That’s because Bryce was on Episode 276 where he gave the great metaphor “vacuuming out the truck” relating to real estate...
Real estate flipper, broker, contractor, and more!
Today’s guest, Jared Holland, is doing 30 deals a year and profiting from all different phases of a flip-and he shares exactly how he does it! Today’s show gets in...
You’ve heard cash flow stories before, but NOTHING like this. We’ve talked to hundreds of investors that have flipped houses, bought apartment complexes, storage facilities, and more. But a high school? A high school ...
Ever wanted to break into real estate but just weren’t sure how to take that first step? You're not alone!
Almost all investors struggled with their first deal. But today’s guest may be just what you needed to get ...
Small multifamily properties are one of the EASIEST ways to get into real estate investing. But, your market may be a little too pricey or lack the supply for you to invest in these “slam dunk” deals. So, where do you...