You can put a dollar number on the losses Spencer Cornelia took on his first two long-distance flips... but it's hard to quantify the value of the lessons he learned and is now passing on to you.
We noticed Spencer...
100% financing for ALL of your real estate deals? Without thousands of dollars saved up, many people assume there’s no way for them to invest in real estate. But that’s far from true. Today, you can fund your entire r...
Imagine building a business around work you’d do for free. Sound pretty great?Today’s guest has done just that, and her story may change the way you think about investing. Brittany Arnason is a 26-year-old who’s conve...
Do you have a cash flow problem? You’re not alone! Dan invests in real estate, has a great W2 job, and maxes out his investment accounts. He wants to hit financial independence by forty, but his lack of cash is making...
Fixing up a distressed property might be the BEST way to add value, whether you’re looking to flip houses, BRRRR (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat), or charge higher rents. But to avoid losing money, you’ve got to ...
We all reach a point of complacency. We tell ourselves that we’ve done enough, it’s too hard to go further, or we don’t have enough experience, money, or time to accomplish the goals that seem impossible. Brandon Turn...
When done well, home renovations can help you make a SERIOUS profit on your properties. Whether it’s a simple fix or a complex rehab, having a few systems and processes in place will go a long way toward ensuring your...
You’ve seen Barbara Corcoran on Shark Tank, heard of her unbelievable real estate deals that make millions of dollars, and might own a product or two that she’s invested in. She’s spent her entire career betting on Ne...
Want to know how to invest in real estate with NO money down? Or, maybe you’ve got a bit of cash in the bank and think now is the time to get into the real estate investing game. No matter where you’re at or how much ...
Your first rental property is out there; it just may not be where you live. Austin Wolff came to this conclusion quickly. After paying his “cheap” rent of $1,600 per month for a small place in Los Angeles, he knew he ...