Reaching financial independence and becoming a millionaire before the age of thirty?! While this path requires several years of ruthless saving, smart investing, and unwavering discipline, there’s no reason why YOU ca...
Pay off your mortgage or invest? If you’re on the path to FIRE, you’ve probably asked yourself this question. Without a mortgage payment, you could put thousands more in your pocket every month, and your FIRE number w...
Real estate investing is one of the best vehicles for building wealth, reaching financial independence, and saving for retirement, but you don’t need to become a full-time investor to reap the benefits. If you have no...
Real estate “boomtowns” present a massive opportunity to investors in 2024. A few years ago, buyers were fighting tooth and nail to purchase properties in Austin, Boise, Phoenix, and other red-hot markets. Demand was ...
Mike Baum owns just one rental property, but this one property alone has changed his life. It’s allowed him to become such an investing expert that he’s constantly being asked for his opinion on the BiggerPockets foru...
Would you sell your car, live without plumbing and electricity, and shower at the gym daily to build a rental portfolio? Now, would you do it while having one of the most prestigious jobs on the planet? If you said ye...
Is small thinking holding you back? Not after this episode! Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, Josh and Brandon talk with Kevin Carroll, a real estate investor who decided 18 months ago that he wanted to start flippi...
[NOTE: Since this episode was recorded, some events have changed. We have updated the intro to the episode and the lead-in to our conversation with Jeff Watson to reflect those developments]
Inflation is big, scary...
Every real estate investor knows that things don’t always go as well as we’d like. What happens when you’re hit with a $16,000 bill to fix a sewer, or when 20 of your tenants call you all at once with problems? Some t...
It seems like everyone is wondering how to find real estate deals in today’s supply-constrained market. With housing inventory still hovering around historical lows, finding a cash-flowing, appreciating rental propert...