Would you spend thirty hours finding a deal if it could make you over $100,000? Of course you would! And that’s exactly what David Lecko, CEO of DealMachine, suggests you do to find better real estate deals in 2025. A...
Want to learn the secret to snagging rentals below market value? Every successful investor has this one crucial skill, and it’s often the difference between getting the door shut in your face and coming away with a di...
Don’t know where to find undervalued rental properties? Thankfully, we’ve got some experts who do. Finding a below-market-value property is much easier than most people think. So, why is it SO difficult for new real e...
Many, many people give up on real estate after just one bad deal, one bad tenant, or one bad flip. But what if you lost all you had from real estate deals, would you still be willing to bet on real estate? What if you...
Ready to escape the rat race and leave your nine-to-five behind? You’re tired of the early mornings, late nights, alarm clocks, and commuting. You want to go out on your own, create your own destiny, gain autonomy, an...
Real estate is a business, but we often don’t think of it that way. A single-family home here, a duplex there, at the end of the day we’re just landlords, right?
What if some large corporation or outside buyer wan...
Over 20 years' experience in mobile home park mastery!
On today’s show, Brandon and David interview Frank Rolfe, an experienced mobile home park investor with TONS of great advice to share—and share he does! You wo...
Maria Friström is an investor, designer, mother, and business owner from Finland, and she’s one of the only few people that can match Brandon Turner in height. Maria was working in Silicon Valley before she voluntaril...
Amanda Young stumbled into real estate. After being let go from a job, dealing with a family emergency, and homeschooling her son, Amanda knew that she had to find a way to provide for her family, but also allow her t...
Buying and selling real estate portfolios isn’t what Omni Casey was raised to think about. As a middle child in a large family, Omni was never given the “investing talk” and was often surrounded by people who thought ...