Do you have a cash flow problem? Maybe property management fees are setting you back, or you’re spending too much on repairs and maintenance. Today, we’re bringing you a powerful solution that will not only solve your...
Harnessing the power of data gives you an enormous advantage in your real estate investing journey, allowing you to discover up-and-coming markets or find deals that are flying under the radar. While crunching the num...
You get a call one day from the fire department, telling you, “You’ve had a house fire that’s destroyed your rental property.” What do you do first? Check on the tenants, call the insurance company, or start thinking ...
Most investors buy rental properties for cash flow, and the fear of losing money keeps many rookies on the sidelines. How can you be certain that you’re going to make a profit before you buy? Today, Ashley and Tony wi...
Owning rentals could help you become financially free, afford you more time with family, and allow you to travel the world. Whether you’re stuck in a career you dislike or you need a more flexible job, you’re about to...
Every real estate deal is hard work, whether your investing strategy is house flipping, buy and hold, or even wholesaling. If your goal is to not only get a great deal under contract but also make money after closing,...
If you know how to create multiple streams of income, you can build wealth FAST. Thankfully, real estate has dozens (if not hundreds) of ways to make money, and there’s a good chance that what you’re doing right now i...
Visit PassivePockets, your resource for passive investing with syndications.
Do you want to get into real estate without managing rentals and dealing with tenants? Passive real estate investing could be the answer...
Snowballing a $20,000 investment into eleven rental properties…in under four years?! Most investors are happy to add ONE property to their real estate portfolio every year or so, but this rookie wants to get a head st...
Can you make the same returns as active real estate (if not more) with “passive” real estate investing? What if you’ve got a busy day job, hobbies you want to pursue, or don’t have the landlording drive to build a ren...