Discounted real estate deals could be coming THIS winter as the housing market begins to “thaw.” Today, Dave is flying solo, bringing you a housing market update on all the crucial factors real estate investors are lo...
Are you leaving cash flow on the table? Even if you own a single rental property, there are all kinds of strategies you can use to generate more rental income, whether it’s house hacking, renting by the room, or conve...
Redfin just released their highly-anticipated 2025 housing market forecast, and today, we’re reacting to each of their ten crucial housing market predictions. We’re touching on the exact numbers you want to hear about...
Are you looking to grow your real estate portfolio and build wealth faster? There’s a tax “loophole” that allows you to sell your property and roll your equity (and profits) into a bigger and better rental property—al...
It’s the season for housing market predictions, and we know who to call! Altos Research and HousingWire’s Mike Simonsen joins the show to share where his team thinks mortgage rates, home prices, housing inventory, and...
Want 100% passive income? As in no tenants, toilets, phone calls, or painting! You can get genuinely passive income through one type of investment—real estate syndications. Never heard of them before? You’re about to ...
Does your rental property have negative cash flow? This doesn’t necessarily mean you bought a bad deal, though losing money probably isn’t what you signed up for. But not to worry—in today’s episode, we’ll share a few...
Are you struggling with finding deals in today’s market, where the best properties go fast? On today’s show, we interview Neal Collins, an investor in the red hot Portland Oregon who has figured out a way to find deal...
Real estate zoning allows those with a keen eye, creative mind, and delayed gratification to transform a once-vacant warehouse into a massively profitable multifamily deal. While this isn’t as easy as the simple buy-a...
It has finally been decided. In the eyes of bidders at BPCon’s 2021 Coaching Call Auction, David Greene is worth more than Brandon Turner. Yes, that’s right, our beloved host who can turn any jiu-jitsu metaphor into a...