What if one part-time side hustle could replace your entire income? Even better, what if you could keep your full-time job and spend a few hours a week making thousands extra a month, raking in cash, and reaching fina...
Want to reach FIRE long before you’re sixty-five? If you make a decent income, invest diligently, and watch your spending, you STILL could fall into the “trap” most FIRE-chasers find themselves in. By making one BIG m...
Feeling scared to do your first or next real estate deal? Even if everything goes wrong, you may still be in a better position than Ayesha and Kevan Shelton were just a few years ago. After quitting their jobs to beco...
Once you hit Coast FI, you don’t need to worry about retirement. While traditional FIRE may take a bit more extra work, Coast FI allows you to let your foot off the gas and enjoy life NOW, knowing that you’ll be set f...
Don’t have enough money to buy rentals? Neither did Brandon Tilson. As a social worker, he was never on the higher end of the income scale, but thanks to some serious side hustles, he now has eight rental units in jus...