Covering your entire mortgage payment in ONE day?! Today’s guest is proof that you don’t need a full-blown real estate portfolio to start making money. She has only ever owned one property, her primary residence, but ...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
Think it’s too late for early retirement? Do you feel like just because you’re in your late thirties, forties, or fifties, FIRE doesn’t make sense for you? Well, think again because today’s guest defied the odds by re...
The combination of saving money and buying rentals is a recipe for reaching financial independence much faster than you thought possible. Just ask today’s guest, who started with tens of thousands of dollars in debt b...
Real estate deals are hard to come by in 2023. But, there are still a few overlooked rental markets that most investors aren’t aware of. In times like this, with investors ready to pounce on almost any property and ot...
Pace Morby built an 1,800-unit real estate portfolio using none of his own money. Unbelievable right? Well, it’s 100% true, and he’s here today to tell you why most of what you know about real estate investing is enti...
Some people are born into wealth, but none are born into success. Success needs to be earned, through pain, hard work, and perseverance.
Patrick Bet-David came to the United States during the Iranian Revolution of ...
After tremendous research, the “MoneyType” quiz was finally released. All you need to do is answer some basic questions, and in a matter of minutes, you’ll know your biggest financial strengths and burdens, the money ...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
Three years ago, Atomic Habits was released. In this groundbreaking book, author James Clear asks a complex question “why do we continue our bad habits while neglecting good habits?” While it’s not as easy as simply s...