We often have famous guests come on the BiggerPockets podcast and talk about their deals, their businesses, and their journey. Today you’ll hear from one of the biggest real estate celebrities, Brandon Turner, as he g...
Ready to grow your real estate business in 2024? With another year in the rearview, it’s time to start dreaming of what your business could become in the next twelve months. Whatever success looks like to you, it star...
You could spend HOURS breaking down deals for cash flow, cash-on-cash return, return on investment, price-to-rent ratio, and countless other metrics. What do these terms mean, and which one is most important when anal...
Every landlord wants the best possible tenants in their rental property, but of course, this doesn’t happen by chance. Today, we’re delivering several tips to help you improve the screening process, work seamlessly wi...
You want to start real estate investing, but where should you start? Should you buy a course, join a mastermind, or do your own research? There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to investing, but we can point you in the...
How do you know if a rental property will make enough cash flow before you buy? Budgeting is KEY. When breaking down a deal, it’s critical that you account for the costs of all capital expenditures (CapEx), maintenanc...
It has finally been decided. In the eyes of bidders at BPCon’s 2021 Coaching Call Auction, David Greene is worth more than Brandon Turner. Yes, that’s right, our beloved host who can turn any jiu-jitsu metaphor into a...
On today’s show, a married couple who scaled to 5,000 units together!
Brandon and David interview Mark and Tamiel Kenney, a husband and wife team who buy large apartment complexes through the power of syndication. ...
Creative financing can be a powerful tool to help you get YOUR first property in the bag. In this episode, Ashley and Tony explain the biggest differences between hard money, private money, and traditional lending, as...
First rental property? Security deposits, credit checks, and home renovations can seem DAUNTING when it’s your first real estate rodeo. How much do you charge, which tenant do you select, and will refreshing the grout...