Want to know how to flip a house in 2024? We brought on a rookie with a real-life deal to walk through every beginner step of flipping houses so you can go out and make money, too! We know Rene Hosman as our community...
When people hear the term “passive income,” their minds usually flash to real estate investing. But, taking on real estate debt may not be the best option for you—especially if you have a high-risk financial portfolio...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...
Jason Lewis made it his life’s goal to hit financial freedom by thirty-five. After watching his family go bankrupt, lose their multi-generational farm, and have to give up their dreams, Jason knew that this was NOT wh...
Want to know how to avoid capital gains on your next home sale? If you tune in, you may dodge a quarter-of-a-million-dollar bullet (or more!). What about investing in one of the most tax-advantaged accounts that almos...
The Financial Independence, Retire Early movement (FIRE movement) is changing. More people are investing, making money, and working from anywhere in the world. Investing education and advice has become easier to acces...
Many people invest in real estate hoping to make “passive income” but instead find they work more than they would at a day job! But not all real estate niches require a lot of time—and today’s show proves that! Today ...
Finishing a triathlon is a grueling achievement, only accomplished by those who are in peak physical and mental condition. Once finished, the top of the top go on to train for an Ironman, arguably the toughest triathl...
Profitable on-market properties are all around you, you just need to take the time to look. Oh, we hear what you’re saying, “all those on-market properties are bad deals!” While not all properties sitting on the MLS a...
What does it take to buy 17 deals a week? What if we told you it was the exact same process needed to buy just one deal per year? That’s the topic on today’s show, where we sit down with Chris Clothier to talk about h...