Should you pay off debt or invest? Many online financial gurus would tell you in a heartbeat that paying off debt is the number one priority…but is that always true? What if there was a way to pay off debt WHILE inves...
One of the biggest hurdles to rental property investing? High down payments. Most lenders want you to come to the table with twenty to thirty percent down, but with home prices averaging around $400,000, it might not ...
our rental portfolio can either be your ticket to financial freedom or a massive headache, but it’s completely up to you, the investor, to decide. Many investors who have been stacking up properties over the past few ...
Foreclosure can be a sensitive topic. After the embarrassment of falling behind on payments, there’s the fear of losing your home and having no place to live. Rather than preying on someone who feels helpless, there a...
What does it take to truly find success in real estate -- especially when you make an average salary and live in an expensive city? That’s the topic of today’s show, where we sit down with David Greene, a full-time po...
Want to know how to start a business? One that will help you reach financial freedom, find purpose, and give you more opportunity to spend time with your family? Those are the reasons why almost all of us get into rea...
Building wealth is about to become more challenging than ever before. High interest rates make many rental properties cash-flow-less, the economy could enter a recession, and many investors could lose their shirts. In...
2022 goals are coming upon us. If you haven’t done so already, it may be a great time to sit down alone, with your partner, or with other fellow investors to come up with a rock-solid game plan for this next year. We ...
Should I pay off my rentals or scale to more doors? Should I start flipping houses in my local but expensive market or go long-distance? When is the time to move from residential to commercial real estate? We’ve got s...
You want to invest in real estate, but you lack the cash or the income. With home prices and mortgage rates so high, even a decent-paying job won’t land you a rental property or even a primary residence. So, what do y...