Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
You probably know Brandon Turner and David Greene as multimillionaire real estate investors. What you may not know, is that a decade ago this was a very different story. Brandon didn’t grow up in a wealthy family, and...
Want to learn how to create generational wealth? You know, the type of wealth that your children’s children’s children’s children can rely on. The type of wealth that allows your family to live a life of financial fre...
You can take your time to reach financial independence, but why wait? With a combination of hard work, savvy investing, and additional income streams, today’s guest reached FI by the age of twenty-eight. In this episo...
Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
This might be the fastest path to FIRE we’ve ever seen. In just two years, Emily and James were able to retire early and travel the world full-time. They didn’t have a trust fund, some huge inheritance, or a winning l...
Everyone wants to reach financial independence as soon as possible. But if you really want to get on the path to early FI, you’ve got to start making savvy money decisions TODAY. And we’ve got a few tips, tricks, and ...
The combination of saving money and buying rentals is a recipe for reaching financial independence much faster than you thought possible. Just ask today’s guest, who started with tens of thousands of dollars in debt b...
At twenty-nine years old, Andy Johnson had achieved lean FIRE. He had enough to survive but not enough to make his future family comfortably financially free. All he needed to do was work a little longer, make a bit m...
Could real estate investing help you reach financial freedom much sooner than you thought possible? Today’s guest had his world turned upside down by one tragic incident, but he was able to quit his W2 job, pivot to r...