With the right rental properties, you could not only bring in thousands of dollars in cash flow each month but also build long-term wealth. Just ask today’s guest! Despite her fulfilling career, she came to the realiz...
Before you start investing in real estate, make sure you hear this episode. Almost every beginner ends up making these five big real estate investing mistakes. Some cost money, some cost time, but all of them cost you...
You have home renovations in the pipeline…but who’s going to manage them? Do you need the expertise of a general contractor, or can you manage tradespeople yourself? With so much at stake, including your budget and ti...
You dream of retiring early, but you’re stuck in the “middle-class trap.” You’ve built up a solid net worth, maybe own a rental property or two, and on paper, you look like you’re on track to make it rich. But in real...
One rental property could give you a little cash flow, but if you want to reach financial freedom, quit your nine-to-five, and even retire early, you’ll need to scale your real estate portfolio. This might seem like a...
Finding, screening, and placing new tenants for your rental property is not only difficult—it’s expensive! Want to attract the best tenants in town and ensure that they stick around for the long haul? You won’t want t...
Real estate investing is great…sometimes. Other times, it’s NOT fun to be a real estate investor. While the pros, like financial freedom, generational wealth, and passive income definitely outweigh the cons, there are...
Can you still make huge profits from real estate in today’s market? While high interest rates and inflated home prices can make it difficult to find a cash-flowing rental property, there’s another strategy that delive...
Many people struggle with money anxiety, even those in the FIRE community. Your money fears could keep you on the sidelines, or it could have the opposite effect, making you ultra-conservative with your retirement sav...
Fixing up a distressed property might be the BEST way to add value, whether you’re looking to flip houses, BRRRR (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat), or charge higher rents. But to avoid losing money, you’ve got to ...