Can’t figure out how to buy multiple rental properties a year with your current income? Wondering whether you should get rid of your student loans before buying your next property? Maybe your market is too expensive, ...
Having trouble finding good deals? You won’t after this inspiring episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast! Today we bring you an interview with Shawn Holsapple, a real estate investor who is dominating his market, having...
Do you dream of becoming a full-time real estate investor? Having the financial stability to leave your W2 job might seem like an eternity away, but if you start investing now, it doesn’t have to take as long as you t...
What’s the right investing strategy for YOU? In this episode, we’re going to hear from an investor who has scaled their real estate portfolio to twenty rentals in just TWO years! Despite their rapid success, they feel...
How much money does it really take to buy a rental property?
$200,000? $100,000? $75,000?
On today's show, we are going to chat with Lisa Phillips, a real estate investor who buys real estate in the under-$30,0...
Ashley "BadAsh" Wilson is back today to discuss how she's shifted strategies since her popular first appearance on the show two years ago.
Today's topics: Jumping from house flipping and short-term rentals into lar...
Airbnb arbitrage is a real estate investing strategy that provides a low-cost, low-risk entry point for new investors. While you don’t get the appreciation or tax benefits of property ownership, arbitrage can deliver ...
“Lake Effect” cash flow is starting to make landlords rich in this under-the-radar region of the United States. For the past few decades, mainstream real estate investing platforms have almost forgotten this region, a...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...
Cash flow is hard to come by in this market. Just a few years ago, it was easy to find rental properties that met the one-percent rule, but today, you need to get creative if cash flow is your main goal. Is buying mor...