The clock is ticking to tax day, and you could be stuck with a big tax bill. Thankfully, if you own real estate, reducing your taxes is easy. Don’t know which write-offs to take? We brought CPA and real estate investo...
Is now finally the time to get back into Airbnb investing? We all knew about the Airbnb bubble that formed shortly after lockdowns. With low interest rates and local vacationing exploding, everyone wanted to cash in o...
Would you sell your car, live without plumbing and electricity, and shower at the gym daily to build a rental portfolio? Now, would you do it while having one of the most prestigious jobs on the planet? If you said ye...
Boston is a tough market. Prices are high, but even high rents aren’t enough to make it profitable to invest. Ricky Beliveau makes money by renting to students, converting small multifamily buildings into condos (it’s...
There are a lot of excuses people use for why they don’t invest in real estate. Maybe they work too much. Maybe they don’t have any money. Maybe the market is too hot. But some — like our guest today — don’t let those...
Did you know you can invest in real estate using funds you’ve probably forgotten about? For years, you’ve been socking away money into your IRA or 401(k) to ensure an abundant retirement. The problem? You’ve only been...
Financial freedom isn’t important until your life flashes before your eyes. When everything could end, thoughts of your partner, children, and family come to mind, and most notably, what you left behind for them. Pash...
If you want to retire early, the Mad Fientist is your guide. For over a decade, Brandon, more commonly known as the “Mad Fientist,” has been running simulations, experiments, and exercises to discover which road to ea...
We’ve got 2024 housing market predictions coming up in this episode. But don’t worry, David and Rob haven’t put their careers on the line to try and guess where home prices will be next year. Instead, we brought the e...
If you don’t feel amped up to accomplish your goals, you definitely will after this episode. Today we talk to real estate agent, entrepreneur, author, and Million Dollar Listing New York star, Ryan Serhant. You’ve pro...