Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Every investor would love some extra cash flow…but at what cost? Does it make sense to go all in on a large down payment so that more money trickles in each month? If you want minimal debt, have no plans to scale, and...
Should you use a HELOC to buy investment property? Would we use home equity to retire? When is it time to sell a performing property and exchange it for a more expensive one? If you’ve got home equity, this episode co...
Should you pay off student loans or invest in real estate? This is the question Tom Keating had to ask himself back in 2018. At the time, he had no real estate investing experience and only picked up The Book on Renta...
Small multifamily real estate investing could be your quickest path to financial freedom. These properties, from duplexes to quadplexes, typically offer higher cash flow and scaling opportunities than traditional sing...
Anyone can get into real estate investing. Seriously, anyone! With today’s high interest rates, it may be more difficult to find a rental property that cash flows, but even if you’re in a white-hot real estate market ...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...
Rent-to-own real estate can make you more cash flow, with less risk and fewer expenses, all while helping tenants become homeowners. But if it’s so good, why isn’t everyone doing it? Simply put, most investors have no...
What’s stopping you from investing in real estate? Money? What if there was a profitable rental you could buy with just $500 down? Well, today’s guest has found the perfect investment for rookies—a low-money, low-main...
Mike Baum owns just one rental property, but this one property alone has changed his life. It’s allowed him to become such an investing expert that he’s constantly being asked for his opinion on the BiggerPockets foru...