Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Believe it or not, TikTok isn’t just teenagers doing dances; there are actually some pretty influential investors on the platform. Meet Daniel Iles, a TikTok and Youtube creator who bought a staggering $1,000,000 in r...
How much should your down payment for investment property be? Should you increase your down payment to maximize cash flow, or does putting all your financial eggs in one basket limit your ability to build and scale yo...
When should you refinance your mortgage? Is now the time since interest rates have finally fallen? Or will refinancing down to today’s rates not be worth it when, six months from now, interest rates could be substanti...
Does FIRE seem impossible while raising a family? We’re about to prove that you CAN have it all. Emily and Joel are financially independent while raising five kids and still have the money to travel the world, take pl...
If a potential tenant approaches you about Airbnb rental arbitrage, you may wonder if there’s a catch. Are you responsible for damages? What if you encounter a noisy guest? As a landlord, there are all kinds of pros a...
Need flexible funding for your deals? Private money could be the answer. Whether you’re looking to dodge the bank or want greater control over the terms of your deal, that’s exactly what this creative finance option c...
Knowing how to get a mortgage is a crucial step in your journey to buy a rental property. Of course, the money side of things can be intimidating. How do you find a lender? What type of mortgage do you need? When shou...
Can’t figure out how to buy multiple rental properties a year with your current income? Wondering whether you should get rid of your student loans before buying your next property? Maybe your market is too expensive, ...
Rodney Ross didn’t have the most gracious entrance to the real estate space. He bought a house while in college, with only $8,000 down and not a lot in the bank. The house ended up getting de-authorized for tenants to...