Buying and selling real estate portfolios isn’t what Omni Casey was raised to think about. As a middle child in a large family, Omni was never given the “investing talk” and was often surrounded by people who thought ...
Want to know how to start an Airbnb business? If you find the right deal and build an all-star team, you could squeeze a TON of cash flow from just one rental. And we’ve got the perfect guest to show you the ropes!
2023’s insurance market is bad. Really bad. “As bad as I’ve ever seen,” says Insurance Office of America’s Robert J. Hamilton. He’s never seen home and multifamily insurance prices as high as today. But, he has good r...
Most people know that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to reach financial independence, but very few ever take action. Once today’s guest discovered the potential of real estate, however, it became his...
Every real estate deal is hard work, whether your investing strategy is house flipping, buy and hold, or even wholesaling. If your goal is to not only get a great deal under contract but also make money after closing,...
Alex Preziosi wants to reach financial independence by the age of forty-five, and with several hundred thousand dollars in retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and savings, she’s on pace to do just that. But now, ...
Getting into real estate development with low money down!? Many rookies assume that you need more money to develop, but there are a variety of ways to fund these projects. It all depends on how creative you’re willing...
In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk about a subject many investors debate about: investing in OLD properties. Today’s guest, Dana Bull, has filled her portfolio with properties over 100 years -- and ...
Real estate investors love to talk about their successes, but most refuse to talk about their failed deals. On today’s show, we hit both of those points hard when we sit down with Sam Craven to talk about how his whol...
When you think about short-term rental and Airbnb markets, what comes to mind? Joshua Tree, the Smoky Mountains, maybe Destin? We all know about the famous short-term rental markets, but what about the not-so-famous o...