What does true wealth mean to you? Maybe it’s having control over your time or having the means to donate part of your income to charity. Maybe it means feeling healthy enough to jump out of bed and attack the day.In ...
Financial trauma is an extremely common roadblock on the journey to financial freedom. In fact, most people deal with this issue on some level, even if they aren’t aware of it. Whether your trauma patterns stem from y...
You want to retire, but you’ve got credit debt, auto loans, and student loans. It feels like every time you get your paycheck, it quickly slips away, and at the end of every month, you’re left in the same position, or...
If you haven’t started your retirement planning yet, you’re not out of luck. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties, there’s still time to get enough into your accounts so you can walk...
Don’t strive to become rich. Instead, become a “quiet” millionaire like Tae Kim, the “Financial Tortoise.” You’ve seen the flashy cars, fancy champagne, and private jets of the online financial “gurus.” Then, like clo...
If you want to reach early retirement, especially in your thirties, you’ll need to take some big risks. Today’s guest turned down what would have been a dream salary to many people, choosing to work for himself while ...
First-time home buyer? At some point, all of us were. How do you make sure you’re getting a great deal, how should you pay for it, and what can you do to make sure it’s a purchase that will help you grow your wealth. ...
If you’re listening to the BiggerPockets podcast, you know that the only way to reach financial success is to climb the corporate ladder, right? Nope! Yet, many people still believe that the only way for them to get r...
People spend much of their lives grinding to Coast FI, but the truth is that you’re only ever one big financial swing from achieving your FI goals much faster. Despite starting out with very little, today’s guest was ...
There’s one way to invest in real estate that’s cheaper, easier, and more efficient than almost any other strategy. It allows you to get the best mortgage rates with the lowest down payments and buy properties in the ...