Everyone keeps talking about an incoming surge of home foreclosures. Over the past few years, online crash predictors shouted from the rooftops about how another foreclosure crisis is always on the way, and we’re only...
By the time you finish this episode, you’ll be ten thousand dollars richer. Just read this testimonial from a recent BiggerPockets Money listener, “I’m so rich now, I have no idea what to spend all my money on. And al...
$50,000 cash flow from ONE rental!? Not many properties will give you this kind of return in today’s housing market, but this investor beat his competition to an innovative investing strategy, and it’s paying huge div...
Are Airbnb bans actually hurting renters, homebuyers, and your local economy? The truth doesn’t seem so obvious, but new data shows the unintended consequences of banning Airbnbs and short-term rentals, especially in ...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and if you’re listening to this episode, you probably want to be one as well! With so many online gurus trying to sell their secret to success, it can be hard to distinguish the rea...
Wondering how to invest in real estate so you can finally quit your job? Then, this episode might surprise you. While most real estate educators online are constantly stressing how you must leave your W2 so you can be...
Real estate investing could help you achieve your financial goals, whether it’s to make enough cash flow to replace your W2 income or build wealth for an early retirement. Like many, today’s guest is chasing financial...
Ever had an interest in house flipping but felt you needed help getting started? Today’s show covers that exact topic! Cory Nemoto is an extremely humble but successful house flipper in Hawaii who is CRUSHING the game...
Should I pay off my rental property or reinvest? How do I replace my six-figure salary with cash flow from real estate investing? And what’s the best way to analyze crime BEFORE I invest in an area? You asked, and we’...