You asked for it, and we answered! On today’s episode, Brandon and David interview three first-time home buyers, who all utilized the house hacking strategy in different ways!
Our first guest shares how he bought i...
There are plenty of opinions out there about where the real estate market is headed next. But what are the numbers telling us?
Today we dig into the data with Dave Meyer, BiggerPockets' VP of Growth and Analytics a...
Think every housing market is too expensive to buy in? Think again. We’re going over two of the country’s biggest cash flow housing markets and showing why they may be your next best bet when buying rental property. A...
Ryan Tseko became a multifamily millionaire by his mid-thirties after giving up his previous career to invest. By the time Ryan was thirty, he already had twenty-one rental units, paid off over six figures in student ...
Keleisha Carter built a $5K/month passive income stream as a new immigrant with NO green card, money, or ability to get a mortgage. After realizing that her corporate job in Jamaica wouldn’t lead her to where she want...
Love traveling? Want to make more money? Looking for real estate with lower price points and higher returns? International real estate investments may be for you. Whether you want to own a home near the mountains of M...
Can rookies find rental properties that cash flow in today’s housing market? Yes! But you may need to get creative. This investor made the numbers work by discovering extra income streams in his own backyard, making a...
One of the best ways to “live for free” is a strategy almost every successful real estate investor uses at some point in their journey: house hacking. You’ve probably heard of it before—house hacking allows you to sig...
Want to know how to start a business? One that will help you reach financial freedom, find purpose, and give you more opportunity to spend time with your family? Those are the reasons why almost all of us get into rea...
Your tenant is breaking their landlord tenant lease agreement. What now? Do you go after the money or eat the loss? Depending on the amount, it may not even be worth the trouble. Either way, perhaps the more important...