What would it take for you to achieve financial freedom? Now, think about what it would take for you to achieve it for your family. Many of us have parents we’ve seen work day in and day out, providing for us when it ...
Will the new jobs report finally prompt the Fed to cut rates, leading to you scoring a lower mortgage rate? With multifamily rents still falling, should we fear a nosediving rent trend in the near future? And why are ...
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts can’t fathom why Bitcoin will fail. If you tell them that you’re not investing in Bitcoin or other cryptos, they look at you like an uneducated investor, a sheep following the crowd without ...
Money doesn’t buy happiness – but it can give you the freedom to live a truly extraordinary life, something our guest today can really speak to! We sit down with Josh Randall, an investor from Kentucky with nearly 100...
A 36% return on your FIRST rental property? In today’s housing market? That sounds almost impossible. With more and more inventors struggling to find a cent of cash flow and home prices still so high, how does a real ...
How do you build up an arsenal of relevant landlording knowledge? Through hands-on experience. Eric Drenckhahn is a "DIY landlord" who has managed his mid-sized portfolio for years and who has come across countless ma...
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with Cory Binsfield, a multifamily rental property investor who comes from Duluth, MN. If you ever feel like you don’t have enough time to invest in real estate, wait unt...
The wealthy are using one unique retirement account to build their fortunes tax-free. You may have never heard of it, but knowing about it can change the course of your retirement planning, allowing you to invest in m...
Busy people tend to be...busy, and often, real estate investing is one of the things that they “just don’t have time for”. If you feel that way, listen to today’s guest, Dion Mcneeley as he describes his own system fo...
Would you buy a rental property that loses money every month? What if, in a few years, that one property could make you hundreds of thousands of dollars? Would the negative cash flow be worth the massive appreciation ...