Welcome to the BiggerPockets Podcast show 200! We wanted to create a show that we could point people to in the future as an ultimate resource for building their real estate investment business. If you are new, this wi...
In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, learn how to build an incredibly successful real estate business using the 'IDEAL' system. Andrew and Phillip Syrios have built an incredible rental property business in j...
Is it possible to invest in real estate when you don’t have decades of life-experiences? That’s the topic we dive into today on the BiggerPockets Podcast with special guest Jered Sturm. Jered, who is in his mid-twenti...
How do you build up an arsenal of relevant landlording knowledge? Through hands-on experience. Eric Drenckhahn is a "DIY landlord" who has managed his mid-sized portfolio for years and who has come across countless ma...
Do you want extra cash flow? Higher appreciation? More bookings? A few high-ROI renovations or new amenities could pay off in a HUGE way. But which projects will give you the best bang for your buck? Stay tuned becaus...
Brandon Turner has been an essential part of the real estate investing community for almost a decade. Some could say that he is THE person most thought of when you say “real estate investing”. But, in a both sad and h...
Letting go of something successful isn’t easy, but what if you know it’s costing you your dreams? Today we talk to mother, real estate agent, and massive multifamily investor, Pili Yarusi, about doing what it takes to...
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to welcome Michael Quarles to the show. Michael is an active investor coming out of California’s Central Valley who has done so many deals that he has lost count!
Have you ever thought about retiring early, traveling, and living your best life now? On today’s show, we interview Chad Carson, author of the new BiggerPockets Publishing book Retire Early With Real Estate.
Today ...
Back in 2004, Jude Bernard was sitting at a blackjack table in Vegas. This wasn’t his first game of the day, nor his second, or even his third. Jude had been sitting at that blackjack table for thirty hours straight. ...