Want to build a million-dollar real estate portfolio? We’ve got good news for you! You DON’T have to rush full-steam ahead, buying every property that crosses your path to reach financial freedom. That’s right, instea...
People spend much of their lives grinding to Coast FI, but the truth is that you’re only ever one big financial swing from achieving your FI goals much faster. Despite starting out with very little, today’s guest was ...
The fear of Job loss has become real for most Americans. And if you’re falling into the “middle-class trap,” a sudden loss of income could be even more severe. After the recent tech layoffs of 2022 and 2023, businesse...
Jason Lewis made it his life’s goal to hit financial freedom by thirty-five. After watching his family go bankrupt, lose their multi-generational farm, and have to give up their dreams, Jason knew that this was NOT wh...
Want passive income? Well, DON’T invest in rental properties. Buy REITs (real estate investment trusts) instead. Yes, you read that right. Although rental properties are a phenomenal way to build wealth and cash flow ...
Many real estate syndications are facing absolute failure in 2023. But, even if you aren’t investing in any, this could be a learning experience like no other to help you build your wealth in the future. If you’ve nev...
Remy was looking for rental properties in one of America’s hottest housing markets. He knew picking up one rental property, let alone a multifamily, wouldn’t be cheap. But, somehow, even as a newcomer to the area, Rem...
Do NOT buy rental properties. There’s a MUCH better way to build wealth. And we mean that literally, “building” wealth is the best path. At just twenty-seven years old, today's guest has built twenty-five homes, often...
We’re about to share the secrets NO seller wants you to know about. These secrets could save you tens of thousands of dollars on your next home purchase, and most buyers have no clue about them. In fact, these secrets...
It’s not too late to retire with real estate, EVEN if you’re just getting started in your late fifties or have NO experience investing. On this Seeing Greene, David gives his take on what someone with no rentals (or r...