Want to go full-time into real estate investing? In only a few short years, you’ll be able to make millions of dollars, own a mansion on the beach, and ride your gold-plated jet ski into the sunset without ever having...
Real estate zoning allows those with a keen eye, creative mind, and delayed gratification to transform a once-vacant warehouse into a massively profitable multifamily deal. While this isn’t as easy as the simple buy-a...
Most people pursuing financial independence own businesses or have stable jobs, working as hard as they can to make any extra dollar, throwing their money into the stock market or real estate, and betting on the econo...
If you’re looking to have your mind completely blown and walk away feeling like you can and WILL do anything, this show is for you! Today’s guest is inspirational figure, fitness model, and Vine sensation Nick Santona...
A whopping 73 units a year without negotiating your own deals! Today’s guest Ryan Dossey breaks down his business and shares how he built a deal-finding pipeline he runs without doing the work!
Ryan gives great ins...
Everyone knows that financial education is one of the most crucial things to teach children at a young age. It doesn't just set them up to be wealthy, but it gives them the tools to be confident, choose delayed gratif...
Nasty Gal went from an eBay side hustle to a business doing $100M in sales in under a decade. Behind it was the most famous “Girlboss” in America, Sophia Amoruso. She had no business experience, management training, l...
Co-living (coliving) may sound a bit scary at first to a landlord. You have a bunch of young professionals living under one roof. What if there is an argument over cleaning, what if there is a fight that breaks out, w...
From panicked newbie with just $1,000 saved to 40 rental units—in two years’ time!
On today’s show, we sit down with Henry Washington, a buy and hold investor from Arkansas who’s built a sizable portfolio while wor...
There’s a limiting belief that many people have: “I can’t do this thing because I have no experience”. Jamie Gruber disagreed with this line of thinking. Even with no multifamily experience, Jamie decided he wanted to...