First-time home buyer? After this episode, you’ll see the house-hunting process in an entirely new light. Throw out the granite countertops and exposed beams you’ve always dreamed of because making an emotion-first ho...
Do you have a cash flow problem? Maybe property management fees are setting you back, or you’re spending too much on repairs and maintenance. Today, we’re bringing you a powerful solution that will not only solve your...
Having limited lung capacity while playing college basketball seems almost impossible. But, like almost everything else in Nolan Gottlieb’s life, he pushed through it to accomplish his dreams. Hard work and determinat...
How hard is it to buy a rental property in 2024? With all the buzz around high interest rates and soaring home prices, you’d think that investing in today’s market is a lost cause. But if a nineteen-year-old can take ...
Let’s face it—property management fees aren’t cheap. While you may need to hire a property manager if you’re investing out of state or are unable to self-manage your property, these costs can quickly eat into your pro...
"Subject to" real estate has been exploding in popularity. When mortgage rates began to rise, subject to (often called sub to) came in as the hero to save the day. This real estate investing strategy offered investors...
Life happens, and you’ve accumulated some debt. You’re wondering how to buy real estate EVEN with a high DTI (debt-to-income) ratio. Whether it’s good debt, like rental property mortgages, or bad debt, like credit car...
Letting go of something successful isn’t easy, but what if you know it’s costing you your dreams? Today we talk to mother, real estate agent, and massive multifamily investor, Pili Yarusi, about doing what it takes to...
We got to talk a WHOLE lot of real estate in 2023. With topics ranging from partnerships to home renovation hacks, we covered a ton of ground this year and hope the information helped YOU on your real estate investing...
We got to talk a WHOLE lot of real estate in 2023. With topics ranging from partnerships to home renovation hacks, we covered a ton of ground this year and hope the information helped YOU on your real estate investing...