One of the most impactful moments for most real estate investors is meeting a “mentor,” someone older and wiser who can share with them the lessons they’ve learned. That’s exactly what today’s episode of The BiggerPoc...
Want passive income? Well, DON’T invest in rental properties. Buy REITs (real estate investment trusts) instead. Yes, you read that right. Although rental properties are a phenomenal way to build wealth and cash flow ...
Want to make money in real estate investing, EVEN during 2024’s harsh housing market? It’s easier than you might think—and we’ve got the proof. We brought expert investors Ashley Kehr and Henry Washington on to the sh...
If there is one thing you can know for sure by listening to the BiggerPockets Podcast, it’s this: There are a LOT of ways to invest in real estate! That’s why we’re excited to bring you today’s interview with Noah Kag...
Why do some people achieve incredible success while most others struggle? Why do some reach their goals while others give up within days of setting them? Why do some people make WAY more money at work while others are...
Real estate is sexy… most of the time. But is that really what makes it profitable? On today’s show, we sit down with Charles Roberts, an investor and agent from the Denver market. He explains that the secret to succe...
Want to make over a million dollars a year? Real estate may be the best way to get there. Just follow the same steps Dean Rogers took. In just a decade, Dean went from making $65,000 per year to over a million dollars...
Want to know how to avoid capital gains on your next home sale? If you tune in, you may dodge a quarter-of-a-million-dollar bullet (or more!). What about investing in one of the most tax-advantaged accounts that almos...
Creative financing solves an important problem for almost every type of real estate investor. Don’t have enough cash? Try creative financing! No credit? Try creative financing! Ran out of conventional loans? You alrea...
Are you happy with the current state of your real estate business? If you’re like most people, the answer is no. On today’s show, we interview property management superstar Jesse McCue and dig deep into how he’s becam...