Would you buy a house for $100K? That’s right, just twenty-five percent of the median home price in America. Well, we found a couple who does just that, finding fixer-upper properties that often cost less than six fig...
Pet insurance probably isn’t a top priority for you right now. Your budget might have health, car, and home insurance, but pet insurance? Is it really worth the cost? Today we talk to David, an engineer and part-time ...
Should you pay off debt or invest? Many online financial gurus would tell you in a heartbeat that paying off debt is the number one priority…but is that always true? What if there was a way to pay off debt WHILE inves...
Some people are born into wealth, but none are born into success. Success needs to be earned, through pain, hard work, and perseverance.
Patrick Bet-David came to the United States during the Iranian Revolution of ...
Steve Trang is all over social media, he runs a real estate brokerage, a sales training business, and a title company, but he didn’t start out as a real estate professional. Steve was actually an engineer at Intel bef...
Happy Thanksgiving! This Turkey Day, we're giving you an encore of one of our favorite episodes on the money hacks EVERYONE should know about! This was one of our top shows of last year and will teach you how to save ...