With some often overlooked home renovations, you could boost your property’s value by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. But which home renovations have the best bang for your buck? We’ve got pro house fl...
Whether you know it or not, “shrinkflation” is costing you. You’re paying more for less, as manufacturers boast record profits. Your paycheck is getting eaten away faster and faster every month, but you’re left with t...
Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Want to know how to make $100 a day in 2025, all while working from home? We brought the queen of side hustles, Jackie Mitchell, back on the show to share how her money-making journey has been going. Jackie set a goal...
Real estate investing is changing. Builders aren’t building what buyers and renters want, insurance companies are pulling out of top investing states, and property threats are growing increasingly common. This may sou...
Alan Corey has had an interesting career to say the least. He’s been an IT worker, a comedian, an author, a real estate investor, and even a reality TV star. Alan has always been fascinated with making passive income ...
Most real estate investors do a few deals a year if they’re lucky. But today’s guest was doing twenty to thirty real estate deals a MONTH. That’s right—not per YEAR, per MONTH. And he did it all while scaling his real...
It seems like young real estate investors get more and more impressive every week. Today we talk with Cole Ruud-Johnson, a wholesaler and flipper out of the Seattle area. The impressive part? He’s 22 years old and has...